It's been a while, blogging has been one of the causalities of too many overlong days, working beyond midnight and then starting again before six. Even the running has suffered, although I have, just about, managed to get out a couple times a week. And there have been some amazing dawns, the moon on the high Quantocks on 25th October [pictured]. And just a month later, I wasn't the only idiot up on Wills Neck in shorts, despite temperatures of -6! Is there a special club for those who wear shorts in the snow, I was asked? I was the first human out after the snow and was following the deer, foxes and squirrels through the woods. This morning, even a week after the last snow fall, I found tracks that no human had ventured, the reason for one un-trod section became clear when my legs [still wearing shorts] vanished into a three foot drift, the first of many. There was then the most amazing steep run though deep snow back down woods.
The second half of the term has been almost overwhelming, incredibly hard work, stressful, great fun, and much more. Would that I had got more done when things were quieter in September and October, but I have managed a few key tasks in the run up to Christmas, and on 8th January have my English and ICT tests, which I need to pass to get Qualified Teacher Status. But despite all of that, I have continued painting, occasionally, always a very good sign, and the headline has been that I have really enjoyed it. And I have managed, just about to keep up cubs and church, time at home and all the rest. As we put in our Christmas Card, who needs to sleep! Next term I'm at Axbridge, which will be a completely different experience, and then back to Bridgwater for the summer.
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